Cushwa Center News

Friends of Cushwa: News and Notes


During summer 2016, Bill Cossen (doctoral candidate, Pennsylvania State University; 2014 Research Travel Grant recipient) was the recipient of a Filson Fellowship from the Filson Historical Society in Louisville, Kentucky, and was awarded a Graduate Student Summer Research Grant from the American Catholic Historical Association.

Massimo Faggioli (2012 D’Agostino Travel Grant recipient) has accepted an appointment as Professor of Theology and Religious Studies at Villanova University.

Jonathan Koefoed (Ph.D., Boston University, 2014; 2012 Research Travel Grant recipient) has accepted a position as Assistant Professor of History at Belhaven University in Jackson, MS.

Gracjan Kraszewski (Ph.D., Mississippi State University, 2016; 2015 Research Travel Grant recipient) successfully defended his dissertation earlier this year. He is currently working on the manuscript for his book, Dogma & Dixie: Roman Catholics and the Southern Confederacy during the American Civil War.

In July, Suzanne Krebsbach (independent scholar; 2014 Research Travel Grant recipient) presented a draft of “Charleston Catholics and Slavery: Comparing Bishop John England’s and Bishop Patrick Lynch’s Defense of Slavery” to the St. George Tucker Society (Asheville, North Carolina). The paper draws on research conducted at the Notre Dame Archives.

Robert P. Russo (M.A., Lourdes University, 2011) is currently working on a database of all of the publications that Dorothy Day mentions in her own writing, with the idea of writing a scholarly paper regarding the literature that shaped her spiritual thought. He is also working on a paper regarding the Jungian notion of the father figure in the life of Day.

Shannen Dee Williams (Assistant Professor, University of Tennessee) is a Scholar-in-Residence at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture for the 2016–17 academic year, where she plans to complete the manuscript for her first book, Subversive Habits: The Untold Story of Black Catholic Nuns in the United States. Earlier this year, she also was appointed to a 3-year term as a Distinguished Lecturer for the Organization of American Historians.

Since retiring from the Catholic University of America, Joseph M. White has been revising his 1989 book, The Diocesan Seminary in the United States: A History from the 1780s to the Present, giving greater attention to methods of priestly formation with a view to explaining the background of clerical culture and clericalism in the U.S. Catholic Church.