The Lived History of Vatican II Conference Program


Thursday, April 24

7:00 p.m.
Opening Keynote Address
The Council and the Churches

Joseph A. Komonchak, Catholic University of America (emeritus)

McKenna Hall Auditorium

Opening Reception immediately following in the McKenna Hall Atrium

Friday, April 25

9:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Morning Session

McKenna Hall Auditorium

Plenary Session Panel

Chair: Kathleen Sprows Cummings, University of Notre Dame

Imagining the Church of Québec in a Time of Change
Gilles Routhier, l’Université Laval- Diocese of Québec

Through the Prism of Race: the Archdiocese of Detroit
Leslie Tentler, The Catholic University of America

A Fresh Stripping of the Altars? Liturgical Language and the Legacy of the Reformation, 1964-1984
Alana Harris, Lincoln College, University of Oxford - London

The Limits of Reform: Rights, Change, and Sexuality in San Francisco, 1962-1987
Jeffrey M. Burns, Academy of American Franciscan History, - Archdiocese of San Francisco

11:45-12:45 p.m.
Lunch Buffet

McKenna Hall, Lower Level

1:00 – 2:30 p.m.
Afternoon Session I
1. Sisters of Mercy, Adelaide, Australia | Congregations of Women Religious in Europe

Chair: Stephen Koeth, CSC, Columbia University

“You’ll Never Guess What Those Mercies Are Up to Now!” The Sisters of Mercy in the Archdiocese of Adelaide, South Australia, 1960-1980
Josephine Laffin, Australian Catholic University

‘The Gospel of Holland’: Transnationalism, Internationalism and English National Identity in the Implementation of Vatican II
Carmen Mangion, University of London

2.   Diocese of Cuernavaca, Mexico | Holy Land Pilgrimages | Liturgical Dance, NYC

Chair: Robert Orsi, Northwestern University

The Diocese of Cuernavaca and the Problem of Popular Devotion
Jennifer Scheper Hughes, University of California, Riverside

Holy Land Pilgrimage and the Growth of ‘Para-parochial’ Activities since Vatican II
Hillary Kaell, Concordia University

Pioneering Liturgical Dance in New York City After the Second Vatican Council
Michelle T. Summers, University of California, Riverside

3.  Diocese of ‘s-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands | Birth Control in Britain

Chair: Catherine Osborne, Franklin & Marshall College

Post-conciliar New Elites and Democratic Silencing in the Diocese of ‘s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands, 1958-1985
Marjet Derks, Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands

The Function of Oral History in the Catholic Birth Control Debate; Exploring the Sexual Experiences of Catholic Women in 1960s Britain
David Alexander Geiringer, University of Sussex

3:00 – 4:30 p.m.
Afternoon Session II
4.  New Mexico | Rural Southern Parishes in the U.S.A. | Louisiana

Chair: Patrick Hayes, Redemptorist Archives, Baltimore

Vatican II and the Experience of Priestly Authority in Rural New Mexico
Kathleen Holscher, University of New Mexico

“It Was Our Church”: A Survey of the Impact of Vatican II in Rural Southern Parishes
Seth Smith, The Catholic University of America

Race, Authenticity and Authority in Vatican II Louisiana
Justin Poché, College of the Holy Cross

5.  St. John’s Seminary, Boston | Boston College | St. Mary’s Seminary, Cincinnati

Chair: Robert Orsi, Northwestern University

An Emotional History of Vatican II: Relationships at St. John’s Seminary, Boston 1959-1971
John Seitz, Fordham University

The Council on Campus: Vatican II at Boston College
James O’Toole, Boston College

Fifteen Days in May: Post-Conciliar Unrest and Reform at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary, Cincinnati, 1965-1969
David Endres, Mount St. Mary’s Seminary/Athenaeum of Ohio

6. Women Religious in Canada

Chair: Leslie Tentler, The Catholic University of America

Reading the Lived Experience of Vatican II: Threading Words and Images, Contrasting with the Past and Grasping the Spirit of the Times: The Oblate Sisters and the Sisters of Our Lady of Missions in Canada
Rosa Bruno-Jofré, Queen’s University, and Ana Jofré, Ontario College of Arts University

The Personal is Political: How Three Congregations of Women Religious in Atlantic Canada Responded to the Vatican II Process of Renewal
Heidi MacDonald, University of Lethbridge

“Little by Little I Realized the Poor were Evangelizing Me”: The Sisters of St Joseph of Toronto Ontario and the Grey Nuns of the Immaculate Conception (Pembroke) respond to Ad Gentes: On the Mission Activity of the Church
Elizabeth Smyth, University of Toronto

6:30 p.m.
Conference Banquet

Reflection: John XXIII and Vatican II: Memories From the Past

Jay Dolan, University of Notre Dame (emeritus)

Morris Inn Grand Ballroom, Salon A

Saturday, April 26

9:00 – 10:30 a.m.
Morning Session I
7.  Civil Rights: Atlanta | Chicago | Central Louisiana

Chair: Sam Thomas, Michigan State University (emeritus)

The People of God in the Long Civil Rights Movement: Being Black and Catholic in Atlanta, Georgia
Andrew Moore, Saint Anselm College

Black Catholics, Black Power, and the Second Vatican Council in Chicago
Matthew Cressler, Northwestern University

Civil Rights, Gravissimum Educationis, and Black Power: Employing a Social Justice Trinity to Fight ‘Token Integration’ and Save Central Louisiana’s Black Catholic Schools
Katrina Sanders, University of Iowa

8.  Diocese of Ferrara, Italy | Diocese of London, Ontario | Redemptorists and San Juan, Puerto Rico

Chair: Kathleen Sprows Cummings, University of Notre Dame

Vatican II and the Governance of the Local Church: Ousting the Bishop in the Diocese of Ferrara (1959-1976)
Massimo Faggioli, University of Saint Thomas

The Lived History of Vatican II in the Diocese of London Ontario: Assessing the Impact of the Divine Word Institute on the Social and Ecclesial Landscape
Michael Attridge, University of Michael’s College

Redemptorists and Vatican II:  A Case Study of the Vice-Province of San Juan, 1960-1975
Patrick Hayes, Baltimore Province Archives of the Redemptorists

9.  Archdiocese of Santiago | Archdiocese of Baltimore | University of Notre Dame

Empowering the People: The Role of the Laity in the Archdiocese of Santiago, 1957–1983
Luz María Díaz de Valdés, Tufts University (co-authored with Sol Serrano Pérez, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, not in attendance).

’If We Don’t Save the City, We Can Forget About the Church’: The Archdiocese of Baltimore, MD, 1962-1969
Catherine Osborne, Franklin & Marshall College

The Council as Shibboleth: A Rhetoric of Authenticity and Built Space
Michael Skaggs, University of Notre Dame

10:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m.
Morning Session II
10.  Diocese of Bangalore | Renewal Movements in Transylvania | Worship in Seattle

Chair: Peter Cajka, Boston College

Vatican II and the Politics of the Liturgy in the Archdiocese of Bangalore
Brandon Vaidyanathan, Rice University

Renewal Movements and Clerical Authority in Post-Conciliar Transylvanian Roman Catholicism
Marc Roscoe Loustau, Harvard Divinity School

“Not A Fully Homogenous Grouping”: Working Out Liturgical Worldviews in Seattle’s Office of Worship
Jennifer Callaghan, Northwestern University

11.  Diocese of Angola | Catholic Action in Guatemala | Diocese of Trichur (Thrissur), India

Chair: Timothy Matovina, University of Notre Dame

The Council, Portuguese Colonialism, and Vocation in the Archdiocese of Luanda O Seminário é um lugar para a educação dos jovens com vocação para o sacerdócio establecido por Cristo
Madalina Florescu, Centre for African Studies at the University of Porto

Vatican II and the Catholic Action Movement in Guatemala: A Catholic Revolution?
Bonar Hernández, East Stroudsburg University

Church’s Dialogue with the World: Reception of Gaudium et Spes in the Diocese of Trichur (Thrissur) in Kerala, India, 1970-1985
Paul Pulikkan, Institute of Theology and Marymatha Major Seminary in Thrissur, Kerala

12.  Diocese of Syracuse, NY | Vocation and U.S. Laywomen

Chair: Alana Harris, Lincoln College, University of Oxford

Living the Council at the Grass Roots: Catholic Education in the Diocese of Syracuse—Adaptation, Controversy, and Promise, 1960-1975
Margaret Susan Thompson, Syracuse University and Bishop Thomas J. Costello, Diocese of Syracuse

American Catholic Laywomen and Changing Perceptions of Vocation in the Vatican II Transition: A Case Study
Mary Henold, Roanoke College

12:30-1:30 p.m.
Lunch Buffet

McKenna Hall, Lower Level

2:00 p.m.
Closing Keynote Address
“Dancing on the Edge of the Volcano”: Biopolitics and What Happened after Vatican II

Stephen Schloesser, S.J., Loyola University Chicago

McKenna Hall Rooms 100-104

Closing Session

McKenna Hall Rooms 100-104


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